Release notes and announcements

RCO-tool 3.0.0

RCO-tool 3.0.0   The new RCO-Tool 3.0.0 will save you a revolutionary amount of time. We are pleased to introduce the new RCO-tool 3.0.0 with documenter function! This powerful tool enables you to create comprehensive project documentation within seconds – quickly, accurately and efficiently. With this new function, you can optimise your work processes and…


Release Firmware 64-Chars D8/D9-2-4-91

Release Firmware 64-Chars D8/D9-2-4-91   New Features It is now possible to connect up to 64 Modbus TCP devices per controller. The timeout for Modbus RTU can be set between 100 and 5000ms. Example: mbmaster com[4] resptimeout = 1200 The email sender name can now be customized. Example: email sendername = “RCO Controller Heizung” /…



RCO-tool –   A new version of the RCO-tool is available for download in the partner portal.   With the new version, we have changed the programme module library to a database basis, which brings significant performance improvements. And the new BACnet tool can now be used as a BACnet browser and lets you…



RCO-tool –   a new version of the RCO-tool is available for download in the partner portal. In the new version we have further improved the workflow for program modules with attached menus. Menus are now automatically created when creating variables and do not have to be added to the menu editors via drag…



RCO-tool –   a new version of the RCO-tool is available for download in the partner portal. For faster and more efficient work, the interface of the web editor has been revised. The functionality remains completely unchanged and previous projects can be opened and edited without any problems. During this revision, we have placed…


Release Firmware 64-Chars D8/D9-2-4-80

Release Firmware 64-Zeichen D8/D9-2-4-80   New Features New property for multi-data points: Implemented MSP_PVALUE_FORMAT system variable for configuring the return format for multi-data points. The default value is 0, which means that for “DR data point name” the controller outputs the value as text. If the MSP_PVALUE_FORMAT system variable has the value 1, the controller outputs the…


New Panels RCO685 and 695D-S

we are pleased to introduce a new panel series, As before, the panels will be available in 10.1″ and 15.6″ and are in stock. Here are the main key data and advantages: 10,1″ / 15,6″ screen size 400 cd/m² display brightness 16:10 / 16:9 widescreen 1280×800 / 1920×1080 pixel screen resolution ELESTA webpanel app…


RCO-tool 2.4.8

RCO-tool – 2.4.8   Modbus Library This offers the possibility to pre-configure Modbus devices, save them and then add them to the project several times by drag and drop. The data points are created automatically, making work much more efficient and time-saving. For a detailed explanation, see the RCO system documentation under RCO-toolModbus library. If…


Release Firmware 64-Chars D8/D9-2-4-70

Release Firmware 64-Chars D8/D9-2-4-70   SD-Cards access improved The write and read mechanism of the SD card has been generally changed and improved. The PERMAVAR.FUN is now split into separate files, with each file type getting its own .FUN file.(RCO-Systemdokumentation\RCO-Programmierung\SD Card Dateien und Ordner\05HISTDT) An INDEX.DAT is now created for each history, this allows the…


Webpanel App 1.7.2

Webpanel App Version 1.7.2   Dear system partners, We have developed a new version of our Webpanel App. The SDK libraries have been updated to achieve better performance. As a result, the app is now much faster in displaying the RCO web. To update to the latest version, simply download the latest version from our…
